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Notification of Dispute. If You or We consider that a dispute has arisen in relation to this agreement (either during the Services, or after they have been completed), written notice of the dispute will be given to the other party. Even if that notice is given, You and We must continue to perform any obligations outstanding by Us under the agreement.


Dispute Resolution. If You and We cannot resolve the dispute between Us, You are entitled to refer the dispute to the Australian Furniture Removers Association (telephone 1800 671 806) which has procedures for dispute resolution, and We, but not You, will be bound by the outcome of that referral.


Claims. You will be asked to sign an inventory at or other document the conclusion of the transit and You are responsible at that time to confirm that all of the Goods have been delivered, there are no missing items or boxes and the Goods are in acceptable condition. In circumstances where We are liable under this clause 12, notice of the claim must be given by You to Us as soon as possible, and written notice must be given within 14 days of the date of delivery or, in the case of loss, the date upon which the Goods would ordinarily have been delivered, failing which We will have no further liability.


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